Wednesday, July 11, 2012



We are all teachers at all times. With everything we do, with everything we won't do, with everything we  say, with everything we don't say and with our beliefs, with our attitudes - all of us.. 

when you hold a door for someone, you are being a teacher. When you honk and yell obscenities while driving, you are being teacher. When you walk about with furrowed brow and pursed lips, you are 
being a teacher. When you smile at those who cross your path, you are being a teacher.

It all spreads & it is all felt. The energy that you are walking around with, whether you say anything to
anyone or not, is felt. What are carrying around? what are you spreading out into the world? it is all
within your control. You are choosing it all. The thoughts that come into your brain you may not get to control, but you can choose which ones you are projecting out into the world.



the child arrives like a mystery box with puzzles pieces inside
some of the pieces are broken or missing.. and others just seem to hide.

But the HEART of a teacher can solve them out, the potential for greatness he has within
a picture of what he can be, her goal isn't just to teach knowledge..
by filling the box with more parts. Its putting the pieces together 
to create a work of art..

the process is painfully slow at times, some need more help than others
each child is a work in progress..with assorted shapes and colors..
First she creates a classroom, where the child can feel in..
Where never feels threatened or afraid to try..and kindness is always the rule

She knows that a child can achieve much more when he feel secure inside
when he's valued and loved.. and believes in himself & has a sense pride 
she models and teaches good character..and respect one another
how to focus on strengths not weaknesses and how to encourage each other.

she gives the child the freedom he needs to make choices on his own
and to learn to become more responsible and is able to stand alone
He taught to be strong and think for himself as his soul and spirit heal
and the puzzle that's taking shape inside.

The child discovers the joy that comes.. from learning something new..
and his vision grows as he begins to see all the things he can do..
A picture is formed as more pieces fit, an image of the child within with greater strength and confidence..
and belief that he can WIN!

A teacher with a HEART for children knows what teaching is all about..
teacher may not have all the answers but on this..she has no doubt
when asked which subject she loved to teach, she answered this way and smiled..
" its not about subjects that matter...


Sunday, July 1, 2012


a short story 

satu-satunya org yg selamat dari kemalangan sebuah kapal dan terdampar di sebuah pulau yg kecil dan tidak berpenghuni. lelaki ini segera berdoa kpd Tuhan utk meminta pertolongan dan menyelamatkannya. setiap hari dia mengamati langit mengharapkan pertolongan tetapi xda satupun yang datang. dengan usahanya dia berjaya membina sebuah pondok yang kecil dari kayu2 yang terapung untuk melindungi dirinya dari cuaca dan utk menyimpan barang yang masih dia miliki. 

Tetapi suatu hari, setelah dia pergi mencari makanan, dia kembali ke pondoknya dan mendapati kecil itu telah terbakar. dan yang paling parah, hilanglah semuanya. Dia sgt  sedih dan marah.

" Tuhan, sanggupnya Engkau melakukan ini padaku? " dia menangis.
pada keesokan harinya, dia terbangun oleh suara kapal yang mendekati pulau itu. Kapal itu dtg untuk menyelamatkannya. " bgmn kamu tahu bhw aku ada disini? " tya lelaki itu kpd penyelamatnya..
" kamu melihat tanda asapmu ", jwb mereka.

Sangat mudah utk menyerah ketika keadaan menjadi buruk. tetapi kita tidak boleh goyah kerana Tuhan bekerja dalam hidup kita, juga ketika kita berada dalam kesakitan dan kesusahan. INGAT! ketika pondokmu terbakar, mungkin itu " tanda asap " bagi kuasa Tuhan. Ketika ada kejadian negatif terjadi, kita harus berkata kepada diri sendiri bahawa Tuhan pasti mempunyai jawaban yang positif untuk setiap yg berlaku.

Apakah kita mengalami situasi ini..?

1. kita ditolak ? YESUS ditolak sehingga Ia lahir di kandang yang hina
2. byk pencobaan? Yesus juga dicobai iblis tapi tetap kuat.
3. mengapa harus berusaha ? Yesus selalu pergi kemana saja utk mbritakan injil
4. dikhianati ? Yesus juga dikhianati oleh murid-muridnya
5. Rasa sakit dan menderita? Lihat bgmna Yesus dicambuk dgn parahnya.
6. tidak mampu memaafkan ? Petrus yg menyangkal masih diberi pengampunan oleh Yesus.
7. saat merasa penat ? Bygkn betapa penatnya Yesus memikul salib.
8. ditinggalkan oleh org yg kamu sayang? ingat! Yesus jg pernh ditinggalkan oleh Bapa saat Ia disalib.
9. Menangis dan sedih? Dia ada bersamamu!

ada kalanya kita berada dalam situasi yang sukar. waktu kita sulit mengharapkan orang lain utk mengerti atau peduli keadaan kita. mun gkin  kerana mereka pun seringkali bergumul dengan banyak masalah juga atau mungkin mereka peduli tapi dengan tidak menunjukkannya sehingga kelihatan seperti tidak bagi kita. Jika kita menghadapi saat-saat seperti ini, ingatlah akan 1 hal : ADA TUHAN YANG SANGAT MENGENAL ANDA. Dia tahu pasti apa yang menjadi permasalahan anda, isi hati kita dan paling tahu akan segalanya tentang kita.. Dia siap tertawa gembira bersama kita, Dia pun turut bersedih bersama kita. " TUhan, Engkau menyelidiki dan mengenal aku" mzm 139 ; 1

" Diberkatilah orang yang mengandalkan TUHAN, yang menaruh harapannya pada Tuhan! " Yer 17 : 7. barangsiapa yang menaruh pengharapan kepada Tuhan tidak akan berujung sia-sia.Ketika tidak ada orang mengerti, ada Tuhan yang mengerti. Ketika tidak ada yang peduli, Tuhan selalu peduli. Ketika tidak ada yang mau mengenal anda lebih jauh, Tuhan sudah mengenal anda bahkan lebih dari anda mengenal diri anda sendiri. Tuhan tahu pasti apa yang menjadi pergumulan anda saat ini. Bahkan hal-hal yang mungkin terlalu berat untuk dikemukakan, sulit untuk diucapkan, Tuhan pun mengetahui itu semua. Tuhan sungguh mendengar jeritan hati kita. Anda merasa sendirian saat ini menghadapi segala sesuatu? Datanglah pada Tuhan. Dia sangat mengenal anda, mengerti anda, dan peduli.

"Sebab TUHAN, Dia sendiri akan berjalan di depanmu, Dia sendiri akan menyertai engkau, Dia tidak akan membiarkan engkau dan tidak akan meninggalkan engkau; janganlah takut dan janganlah patah hati."(Ulangan 31:8). 

Saturday, April 28, 2012



True friendship involves relationship. Many people say, 
"Oh, he/she's a good friend of mine," 
yet they never take time to spend time with that "good friend." 
Friendship takes time: time to get to know each other, 
time to build shared memories, time to invest in each other's growth. 

Trust is essential to true friendship. 
We all need someone with whom we can share our lives, thoughts, feelings, and frustrations. 
We need to be able to share our deepest secrets with someone,
 without worrying that those secrets will end up on the Internet the next day! 
Failing to be trustworthy with those intimate secrets can destroy a friendship in a hurry. 
Faithfulness and loyalty are key to true friendship. 
Without them, we often feel betrayed, left out, and lonely. 
In true friendship, there is no backbiting, no negative thoughts, and no turning away. 

True friendship requires certain accountability factors. 
Real friends encourage one another and forgive one another where there has been an offense. 
Genuine friendship supports during times of struggle. 
Friends are dependable. In true friendship, unconditional love develops.
 We love our friends no matter what and we always want the best for our friends. 

Real friendship looks at the heart, not just the "packaging." 
Genuine friendship loves for love's sake, not just for what it can get in return. 
True friendship is both challenging and exciting.
 It risks, it overlooks faults, and it loves unconditionally, 
but it also involves being truthful, even though it may hurt. 
Genuine friendship, also called "agape" love, comes from the Lord. 
The Lord Jesus calls us His friends and He laid down His life for us (John 15). 

Relationships in real life involve different levels of friendships, and that's okay. 
But humans are designed by God for lasting relationships. 
Often our isolationist society offers only vague, empty relationships.
 God wants us to have friends here on earth. Most of all, He wants us to be friends with Him! 

The Lord Jesus Christ gave us the definition of a true friend: 
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 
You are my friends if you do what I command.
 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. 
Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that 
I learned from my Father I have made known to you" John 15 : 13 - 15. 
Jesus is the pure example of a true friend, for He laid down His life for His "friends." 
What is more, anyone may become His friend by trusting in
 Him as his personal savior, being born again and receiving new life in Him.

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity" (Proverbs 17:17).
 "A man of many companions may come to ruin, 
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24). 
The issue here is that in order have a friend, one must be a friend. 
"Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses" (Proverbs 27:6).
 " As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" (Proverbs 27:17).

"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" (Amos 3:3 ). 
Friends are of like mind. The truth that comes from all of this is a
 friendship is a relationship that is entered into by individuals, 
and it is only as good or as close as those individuals choose to make it. 
Someone has said that if you can count your true friends on the fingers of one hand, 
you are blessed. A friend is one whom you can be yourself with and never fear 
that he or she will judge you. A friend is someone that you can confide in with complete trust.
 A friend is someone you respect and that respects you,
 not based upon worthiness but based upon a likeness of mind.

Finally, the real definition of a true friend : 
"For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; 
yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates 
His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners,
 Christ died for us" (Romans 5:7-8). 
"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends." (John 15:13). 
Now, that is true friendship!

Friday, March 30, 2012


 Kita sebagai manusia merupakan ciptaan Allah yang memiliki sifat untuk menyembah. kita lain dari makhluk ciptaan lainnya. Kita memiliki perasaan yang sama seperti dengan pencipta kita iaitu mengasihi dan dikasihi. Oleh sebab itu berbakti adalah sebahagian besar dari hidup manusia. Adalah sangat tidak masuk akal jika seorang manusia untuk hidup dan tidak menyembah. seperti halnya kita makan dan minum setiap hari, demikian juga didalam penyembahan.
Manusia boleh saja menyembah objek yang salah, tetapi meskipun manusia tetap akan menyembah. berbakti kepada siapa dan apakah itu benar atau tidak bergantung kepada pilihan manusia itu sendiri berdasarkan pengetahuan yang ia miliki sesuai dengan kehendak Tuhan. kenapa kita harus menyembah? kerana Dia berhak untuk disembah, apabila kita menyembah Dia, keadaan kita bukan seperti seorang buruh yang mengharapkan gaji, tanpa pujian kita pun Allah terpuji dengan sendirinya. 

" ... sebab Bapa mengkehendaki penyembah-penyembah demikian. " Yoh 4 : 23
Kerana Allah lah, maka penyembahan ada. Allah itu Roh dan menginginkan penyembahan dalam roh dari manusia rohani. Yoh 4 : 24 berkata " Allah itu Roh dan barangsiapa menyembah Dia harus menyembah dalam roh dan kebenaran " Tidak ada pilihan! Dia hanya mencari penyembah- penyembah yang benar.


: penyembahan dalam Roh & kebenaran tidak ada kaitan dengan bangunan, dinominasi, atau hal-hal lainnya. kita sering terikat dengan gedung atau bangunan. Ada orang yang menyangka bahwa hanya di dalam bangunan gereja sahajalah kita dapat menyembah. Tubuh kita adalah gereja, dan Tuhan sedang membangunnya. Penyembahan itu tidaklah bergantung kepada mimbar dan kerusi, keyboard, bahkan juga bukan kerana buku nyanyian. kita semua disatukan, bukan hanya di dalam persekutuan, tetapi di dalam tubuh Kristus, yang mana Dia adalah kepalanya. Tuhan menginginkan aliran penyembahan yang meluap keluar dari tubuhNya, setiap anggota dalam kemuliaan masing-masing dan selaras satu dengan yang lain.

Untuk dapat menyembah Tuhan, kita juga harus mengubah priority hidup kita dimana tidak ada hal lainnya lagi selain hubungan kita dengan Dia. penyembahan juga tidak ada kaitan dengan perasaan. keinginan kita, termasuk perasaan harus ditundukkan. Apakah kita merasa ingin menyembah atau tidak, kita akan menyembah Tuhan. banyak orang dikuasai dengan perasaannya, perasaan harus menjadi hal yang sekunder dibanding dengan motivasi utama kita untuk menghormati dan memuliakan Tuhan. 


Thursday, October 27, 2011


Love From the Father ~ By Dae Il Kim

There once was an old man who lived in South Korea.After the war, times were hard and life for him wasn't easy. His occupation was that of a metal collector which was considered the lowest job possible at the time). He would search garbage can after garbage can looking for scraps of metal which he could sell to the government.

He earned a measly ten dollars and spent five to buy food. He lived in a hut which he built on the mountain side and was a very lonely person and nobody cared for him. He lived a sad life for his face was severely scarred from a fire which killed his family. No one would look at him because he was so grotesquely scarred and because of this he kept very quiet and avoided people whenever he could. His main goal in life was to save enough money to fix his face so he could live a "normal" life.

Meanwhile, there was an orphan who lived in the streets every day. Both his parents left him when he was only nine. The boy was blind and suffered from severe malnutrition. Every day the boy begged for food but the people who passed by would either laugh at him or say evil things to him. In fact, some even kicked him or threw dirt in his face. Although he wished so much that he could run away, he couldn't because he was blind. Like the old man, the boy lived a sad sad life and nobody cared about him.

One day, as the old man was walking down the street and he was trying his best to avoid people while looking for scraps of metal, he saw the broken hearted boy and felt sympathy for him. Out of his kind heart, he took the boy to his home. There he fed him, clothed him, and treated him like his own beloved son. The boy was joyful and was so eternally grateful to this person who treated him like a loving father. For the first time in his life, the boy felt loved.

Years passed and the old man and the boy were very happy together. One day the boy said to the old man, "I'm sorry for being so useless. I wish my eyes would become better so I could help you work. You must be such a beautiful and wonderful person because you took care of someone as wretched as me. Maybe one day I could see your wonderful face."

The old man immediately became silent being too moved to say anything.

The next day he went to the hospital and asked the doctor privately how much it would cost for the surgery to heal his face. The doctor told him around a thousand dollars. He was Deeply saddened because he had saved up for ten long years and only had a little more than fifteen hundred. He then asked the doctor how much it would be to heal the young boy's sight. The doctor said fifteen hundred dollars will do. Without thinking, he knew what he had to do. He would give up his life-long dream for this boy whom he loved so dearly.

The next day, he took the boy to the doctor. He didn't want the boy to see him after the operation because of the scars on his face. Hesitantly and sadly, he went up to the young boy and said, "After you receive your sight I can't be with you anymore, yet I shall always think of you. I want you to be happy and live a good life."

After these words he paid the doctor and the tired man left knowing he could never truly reveal himself to the one he loved so dearly. The surgery was very successful and immediately thereafter the boy could see again. He was filled with joy and wondered why he couldn't see the one he who he owed his life to and sacrificed so much for him.

After the boy left the hospital, he started looking for a job and soon he found one at a restaurant. He became a waiter there and worked full time earning a good amount.

Chance would have it that the next day the old man came looking for metals to collect. He started searching around the garbage can of the restaurant. While he was searching, the manager of the restaurant came out and started yelling at him and commanding him to leave because he was scaring the customers.

The boy soon came to the manager's side side and seeing the old man creating such a commotion threatened him even more than the manager. The boy called the old man some foul names, kicked him a few times, and even threw dirt in his face. So quickly had he forgotten that he was picked on by other people in the same way years ago. Slowly....very slowly, the metal collector got up and began limping away aching from the pain that the boy had inflicted on him. As he was leaving he looked at the boy and he smiled a warm smile at the boy (although it was not well received) and left not wanting the boy to see him cry his happy tears.

Later on the day at the restaurant the manager said to the boy, "what an ugly man."

The boy's reply was, "I know, I hope I never see him again."


When I wrote this I wanted people to feel something in their hearts. I wanted them to be moved and say, "hey this isn't right!! The old man shouldn't have to suffer like that. He saved the boy's life" This typifies Jesus's love for us. He sacrifices and does so much for us and yet we don't care for his existence. We're like the boy and that old man who loves us so much is Jesus. Like the old man, even when we treat him so badly he still smiles at us because we are still his beloved children; he is ever faithful and is an all loving God. I pray that this will help you understand the love of God a little better.

Monday, October 24, 2011


~ every choice u make has an result.

The quality of your life is a direct result of the quality of your choice.

~ LIFE is full of choices. CHOOSE HOPE!

Making the right choice.

As i grow in the lord & learn more about how the scripture affect on my own lifestyle. we have to make choice that work with our new growth in Christ. Scripture has a way of molding us into who we are or who we are not. Christian usually mature as they grow in the word.

As we mature, so do our choice in life. Some of these choice may be very subtle and we wont even realize the change, but other choice will be major and will make a total transformation in our lives and the way we live.

subtle changes are ones that affect us personally. It may be that we have slowly changed the kind of music we listen for, or changed the manner of how we dress, or changed the kind of the program we watch on tv. When we take up our own cross to follow Christ, some of our choice can be very difficult. If we have family, it will affect them all. But we must persevere if we want to continue to be mature and grow spiritually in the Lord and do HIS will. If we truly believe it is the will of GOD, then we must choose to follow Him.

God allows us to make our own choice in this life. We can choose to follow Him & His wisdom. some of us will discover that our ways our not conductive to a faithful, righteous Christian lifestyle and continue to grow and mature in the word while others will still not able to distinguish a lifestyle apart from their own.

God is not going to stand over us with a paddle and tell us what we can do or cannot do. He allows us to do whatever our heart desires and many make rebellious choices. when we inspect the condition of the world today we see no difference in the manners of its people.
They were only free to make choices but once they made that choice there will be consequences. There is no turning back & there is no worse than to be controlled by our sinful and lustful desires.

The great of news is we can choose to follow God's choices for our life! we can put our trust and faith in God & let Him choose for us. It maybe that we think His choices for us is not the right ones, but know that they are what is needed in our life at the time of that choice, because God loves us and He will always know what is the best for us at all the times and in all things.

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him. John 3 : 36